Wednesday, 12 December 2012

OPI: James Bond Collection - The Livingdaylights

To say I'm obsessed with my manicure this week would be an understatement! I cannot get enough of this OPI varnish from the James Bond Collection. You can never have too much glitter in your life and The Livingdaylights doesn't disappoint! It's not the easiest glitter varnish to apply but it is so worth the extra bit of time! I layered it over an old favourite, Glitzerland for the perfect Holiday glitter manicure! Buy it here at ASOS now!


  1. these are cute! i might wear something like this for christmas

    xo lala

  2. fun combination! I'm wearing something similar to this.

    xo erica

  3. Wow! Would you take a look at those! Talk about bringing nail out into the season. They look lovely, and a great way to demonstrate those products out. Keep up the great work

    Laura x


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